Our Mission

To dedicate ourselves to enriching the quality of life of people and protection of the environment by creating pharmaceutical dossiers that address diverse medical needs, yet is compatible with the environment



To responsibly and profitably grow our company through innovation and operational excellence. Driven by our values, we will efficiently manage our processes and earn customerand shareholder loyalty by providing quality care products at a competitive price.



The breath line of our Company is our Core Values. They are the pillars by which each Company activity is defined and implemented.


    We strive to do what is right and ethical. Each person at Giyaan Pharma, maintains the highest ethical standards, protects and follows regulations and procedures required to produce quality Pharma products.


    Our Customer is our backbone. We are committed to buildingloyal and long lasting relationships with our customers, by providing quality and cost effective products and services that benefits them Big Way.


    Consistently introducing new ideas, new methods into our systems and procedures thus continuously improving our processes, our offerings and our workplace.


    Accountability brings with it reliability and personal responsibility. We are responsible for detrimental effects of our actions, if any, and take ownership for our work.